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Horizon Mathematics Competition
“It is the tradition of realization of one’s self, for mathematics, in mathematics.”
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Horizon Mathematics Competition
Learners from grades 5, 6 and 7 are invited to the competition.
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Horizon Mathematics Competition
Outstanding prizes are offered to the top students to encourage the interest in mathematics.
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Horizon Mathematics Competition
Learners from grades 5, 6 and 7 are invited to the competition.
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"Since 2002"

Welcome to Horizon Mathematics Competition

Our aim is to reach as many individual students, irrespective of their race, creed and social or financial background. We strive to make an impact on the individual child to leave an impact on the excitement of Mathematics. Encouragement of learners, in turn encourages the schools to start a Mathematics team and teach beyond the borders of classroom syllabus.

“It is the tradition of realization of one’s self, for mathematics, in mathematics.”

For More Infromation

Practice From Our Past Papers!

Learners from grades 5, 6 and 7 are invited to the competition. Outstanding prizes are offered to the top students to encourage the interest in mathematics.
Past Papers


We believe that encouragement is an important tool to spark this interest and it may be helpful to host a mathematics competition for primary school learners who are still at the early stages of their formal schooling and to offer them attractive prizes.

Register Your School Now !

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